"Marin Luther's Pentateuch", a first printing from 1523. (from my photography catalog)
A few years ago, Zondervan created quite a stir when they published their TNIV (Today's New International Version) of the Bible.
The reason for all the ruckus is that they made the translation gender neutral. In other words, they changed the original language of the ancient texts, to make it more socially acceptable to modern ears.
Shame on them!
Here is an article, in USA Today, where Dr. Wayne Grudem explains how important this subject is, and further comments:
"I'm delighted to see they have realized the TNIV was simply never going to be accepted by the Christian public who value accuracy in translating the word of God. I'm thankful for their honesty."
Thanks Wayne for fighting to preserve the integrity of God's word. Where would we be if we couldn't trust our translations?