Note: audio of our class is found at the bottom of this post.
Wayne Grudem:
"The usurping of ultimate power by the Supreme Court of the United States is the most important issue facing our nation today, because it affects the entire structure of how we are governed."
A man owns a piece of property. The city declares that another man's private enterprise might be a better use of the property for the common good of the people. The original owner fights this to the Supreme Court, and our Supreme Court declares that any persons property might be taken if it is determined that another persons use of the land might better serve the common good.
Hence, an original constitutional right has been taken away from this man because a group of judges has decided to impose their view of right and wrong upon the constitution, rather than interpreting the law through the eyes of the original drafters, with a strong eye on their original intent.
As a result of this type of judicial behavior, we have seen laws imposed upon the United States citizens, without their constitutional right to make, or strike down such laws, with absolutely no power to defend themselves from such laws.
The Supreme Court of the United States is the ultimate ruler of our land. Further, with today's make up of the Supreme Court bench (4 liberals, 4 originalists), we essentially are under the rule of Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Wayne Grudem, "this is a system gone horribly wrong".
Dr. Grudem ended this class with a look at how the Bible might look upon this situation, and ended the class by making his most controversial statement that, "from a judicial point of view, your vote for a Republican verses a Democrat makes a significant difference on this issue because this issue is drawn down the middle of party lines".
Wow! Who says you have to be politically correct in church? Controversial? You bet! Necessary to be said, even more so.
Point for us to take home? Become educated voters.
Class Notes: Download GrudemThe Courts and The Question Of Ultimate Power In A Nation
Class Audio:
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