Bible in a Year Series - Day #311 - This post is part of a year-long series where we are reading chronologically through the Bible. Click here to learn more. You are most welcome to join along at any time.
Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Matthew 24.
The Bible is a very tough read for a thinking person.
In our journey of 311 days we have stood before very, very difficult passages. We have also traversed a fair amount of prophecy and these passages challenge our sensibilities in a completely different way.
To make all of this even more challenging, we find that the prophecy sections tend to bring nutballs out of the woodwork.
In spite of all of this, the person who believes in God, who has done his/her homework on the trust-fullness of the Bible, and has come to believe that this man Jesus was indeed the Messiah and has placed their faith in him must greatly wrestle again with these words.
The Olivet Discourse is going to instruct of unheard of destruction on earth, the anti-christ, the end of times, a final judgment of all who ever lived, and a final kingdom ruled by Yahweh himself occupied only by the elect.
If these things don't melt the mind of a Christ-follower, what will?
Clearly, sharing with your friends that you believe in such things will produce a tilting of their heads and a raising of their eyebrows. Perhaps, they will think you're the nutcase.
Nonetheless, there it is. Ben Franklin can cut these words out of his bible, but the words remain.
Who is this man Jesus?
A nutcase? A liar? A lunatic? A legend made up in someone's mind?
That is a question that we must all decide for ourselves. It is not my job to persuade you one way or the other.
If the words of this book are true, then God himself, given a fair read by you, will do the persuading.
Hang on to your hat. When we get to the book of Revelation, it gets even more interesting.