Bible in a Year Series - Day #257 - This post is part of a year-long series where we are reading chronologically through the Bible. Click here to learn more. You are most welcome to join along at any time.
Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Daniel 1-3.
Today we begin the book of Daniel.
As a very young man, Daniel was carried off by Nebuchadnezzar in the first wave of exiles. Our narrative begins in the year 605 BC and will carry us through the fall of Babylon and into the Cyrus's Medo-Persian Empire in 536 BC.
It should also be noted that the last half of the book of Daniel is a land where many a preacher fears to tread. It is full of apocalyptic writing, and will produce many a headache to the would be interpreter.
In the "for what it's worth" category, Dr. Paul D. Wegner, one of the contributors to the ESV Study Bible Notes on Daniel, is a member of my home church: Scottsdale Bible Church.
As the ESV Study Bible notes tell us, the book of Daniel has a very specific central theme:
"The central theme of the book of Daniel is God's sovereignty over history and empires, setting up and removing kings as he pleases (2:21; 4:34–37). All of the kingdoms of this world will come to an end and will be replaced by the Lord's kingdom, which will never pass away (2:44; 7:27). Though trials and difficulties will continue for the saints up until the end, those who are faithful will be raised to glory, honor, and everlasting life in this final kingdom (12:1–3)."
In fact, Daniel exposes this theme after God reveals Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its interpretation to him:
"Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
to whom belong wisdom and might.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;
22 he reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what is in the darkness,
and the light dwells with him." (Daniel 2:20-22)
It boggles the mind that God would give Nebuchadnezzar a dream, interpreted by God through Daniel, that would accurately predict the coming empires of Persia, Greece, Rome, a period of "divided kingdoms" and then Messiah's final kingdom.
The tyranical Nebuchadnezzar, as king of the known world, is certainly the poster boy for the world's Narcissist's Club. He prances about gloating in his world domination. Why, he even builds a 90 foot golden image (don't forget that his dream had Nebuchanezzar as the golden head, but he demands the whole body be his and glorify his name with gold) and requires that all the world bow down to it (him).
God has given Nebuchadnezzar several examples of who is sovereign over the world. Tomorrow, we will see Nebuchadnezzar's ultimate and life-changing circumstance that proves this point once and for all.
It will blow your mind!
See you tomorrow.