Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Jeremiah 35-37.
The burning of Jerusalem is so near, we can nearly feel its heat in the pages of our chronological reading of the Bible.
Over, and over, and over, Jeremiah has warned Judah of its coming peril. Consistently he has called for a penitent heart and the turning of repentance with the hopes that God might hear their prayers and divert his judgment.
Nonetheless, Judah's heart is hard, and in this drawing we see King Jehoiakim mocking God's word by throwing it in the fire pot.
The question begs to be asked: If a person believes in God, then how can his heart be hardened?
Well, Jeremiah gave us a stern view of the heart back in chapter 17:
"The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick;
who can understand it?"
(Jeremiah 17:9)
One of the great misunderstandings of many contemporary thinkers is the idea that we are born with a neutral morality. Certainly, they would contend, a child is not born evil.
However, a careful study of the scripture will reveal that as a result of "the fall" we are all born with a sick heart, and an inherited sin from our original father, Adam. Furthermore, shockingly, when you study the Scriptures you will find that we are not in fact born as children of God.
Jesus the Messiah made it very clear to Nicodemus: "you must be born again".
It saddens me that post-modern America has dreamed up its own religion. A great many in our country claim a belief in God, but yet they have never taken the time to greatly wrestle with the truths written in the Bible.
Almighty God himself destroying his beloved bride Israel? Original inherited Sin? You must be born again? You mean were not all children of God?
I challenge you, put on your wrestling clothes and read the book. Join me in the struggle to understand.
But, I implore you, don't live your life with your head in the sand on this matter. If the words of this book are true, then this is the most important decision you could ever make.
In all your getting, get your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.
OK, put your thoughts in the comments section and let's talk dialog on this matter. Dialog is good!