Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Psalm 119: 89-176.
I am your servant; give
me understanding,
that I may know your testimonies!
(Psalm 119:125)
If one believes in God, which many profess, then there exists a natural progression which certainly must follow. For it is clearly understood that belief in God is not that which saves us, for even the demons believe in God.
Step two, if you will, is to place your trust in God. This is an act of faith, and this faith is found all throughout the Scriptures as that which God promises to make us individually his own, and will therefore save us from His wrath. The person who has taken this step can humbly bow before the Creator and proclaim to be His servant.
This is where a great many stumble. Our nature tells us that we don't need a Savior/King. Our nature screams, "I am the captain of my soul".
Nonetheless, for those who have made this leap of faith, then the next thing we should cry for is understanding, so that we may know God's testimonies.
There are a great many things written in God's word which are very difficult to understand. Our finite minds are simply incapable of making heads or tails of them. Yet, imagine how our lives might change if God were to greatly increase our understanding.
If we possessed a great deal more of the mind of God, then might we not then please him with our obedience? Might we love more? Might our lives become a shining example of the glory of God?
While I find King Solomon a complete and total enigma, I do admire his prayer that God would give him an "understanding mind".
Think about it.
Once one's name is in the Lamb's Book of Life, would not a great understand of God, and his testimony be the greatest of all gifts from God?
Doesn't everything that God desires from us flow from an understanding of who He is?
Oh my soul, fear God, cry for a continuing, inexhaustible understanding, and thereby keep His commandments.