We are near the end of King David's life, and with the death of David's son Absalom we find the kingdom in total disarray.
A fraction has begun between north and south that will eventually cause civil war, and we see bloodshed and infighting as promised by the prophet Nathan.
As I here consider King David's frame of mind, it seems certain that he is fighting a constant battle of spiritual depression.
Spend a few moments considering all that has happened to David, and subsequently Israel, as a result of that sinful day with Bathsheba.
In today's reading we encounter Psalm 42, which is clearly a Psalm written by one enduring a deep spiritual depression, and a feeling that God is far, far off.
Here is a video of Dr. John Piper's exposition of Psalm 42. I highly recommend that you spend 40 minutes understanding the painful depths of this Psalm, and as Dr. Piper teaches, learn to "suffer well".