Bible in a Year Series - Day #111 - This post is
of a year-long series where we are reading chronologically through the
Bible. Click here to learn more. You are most welcome to
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Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: 2 Samuel 1-4.
We have now stepped into the book of 2 Samuel where we find a great deal of fighting, bloodshed, and even civil war in the wake of Saul's death.
Certainly sovereign God has mysteriously ordained these events in his overall plan of redemption, but what a distance we have traveled since creation in the book of Genesis.
It boggles the mind, doesn't it?
Although these narratives have been fascinating to read, I am greatly looking forward to visiting the holy turning point of redemption's story in chapter 7.
God is going to tell David that his kingdom will be established forever, and then we get to peer into the heart of this man David who asks God, "who am I to receive such blessing".
The little boy who God used to slay a giant, and whose heart was greatly pleasing to God, is about to become God's chosen king upon which God will build his eternal kingdom.
Sadly, in chapter 11 we are going to witness the climax of David's life, and begin to view a steady, downward spiral of sin, and displeasure to God.
Yet, there is good news for us. Even amongst all of David's sin, God was still there beside him. But most significant of all, God has set the stage for our Messiah.
God is going to defeat death once and for all, and provide the world the opportunity to enter into an eternal relationship, both Jews and Greeks.
We have a ways to go before we get to the gospel (good news), but it won't be long before we begin to hear the prophet Isaiah telling us how it will be.