Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: 1 Samuel 18-20, Psalm 11, Psalm 59.
King Saul, tormented by an evil spirit sent from the Lord, has become a madman hell bent on killing David.
To further his rage, God stripped King Saul naked, and left him on the ground for 24 hours prophesying.
Certainly this was humiliating for this proud king, and for the next ten years, Saul will hunt David like a dog.
From David's perspective, these will be very trying times for him. Imagine going from God using you to slay Goliath, to God chasing you with a madman king.
David's character will be shaped in the ensuing years. They will be very painful, lonely years.
I suppose because of the evil nature in each of us, God at times needs to strip us bare, and press upon us who the real sovereign is. Sometimes, we can begin to think that we are the king of the universe.
Has there ever been a time in your life where God knocked you to your knees?