Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Leviticus 26-27.
We have now reached the end of the book of Leviticus, and have witnessed a very important covenant in God's plan of redemption: the so-called Mosaic Covenant.
God has divinely given five covenants to his chosen over the course of the Scriptures:
- the covenant with Adam (the promised seed)
- the covenant with Noah ( re-creation of earth)
- the covenant with Abraham ( the promise of seed and land)
- the covenant with Moses (making of a nation, giving of the law, holy set apart chosen people, beginning of redemption through the sacrificial system)
- the covenant with David - (establish his throne forever)
- the New Covenant - (Messiah as Great High Priest, leading his elect to a promised new heavenly kingdom)
As I was thinking about our incredible journey through the book of Exodus and Leviticus, I found myself wondering exactly how I should define the word covenant. Here is the definition from Dr. Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology:
"A covenant is an unchangeable, divinely imposed legal agreement between God and man that stipulates the conditions of their relationship".
Interestingly, Grudem continues:
"Although this definition includes the word agreement in order to show that there are two parties, God and man, who must enter into the provisions of the relationship, the phrase "divinely imposed" is also included to show that man can never negotiate with God or change the terms of the covenant: he can only accept the covenant obligation or reject them".
We clearly, and with great trepidation, see this displayed in today's reading. God says:
- I am God. I am your God. You will honor my Holy Name.
- If you do, then he lists great blessings.
- If you don't, then he lists five horrible curses.
- If you do fail, then, If you confess, then God will remember his covenant.
We have a long, long journey to tread in our journey through the Bible. However, God desires that we understand the relationship. He is Sovereign, we are his vassals. Our fallen flesh would prefer that we are sovereign, and that God might be our genie in a bottle.
God has made it plain in these chapters: God is NOT our co-pilot. He is Sovereign King, and we are his subjects, with the ability to inherit "sonship" through the coming covenant of Messiah.
Do you see that? Did I get it right?