Today's text from the ESV Study Bible: Numbers 3-4.
As I read today's narrative, I am once again amazed at the order that God reveals about his character.
We saw impeccable details from Yahweh in the construction of the tabernacle, and here we again are exposed to God's minute details in the deconstruction of the tabernacle so that it might be moved from place to place.
Notice too that God instructs them that this is no ordinary camping gear that they are transporting, but the holy dwelling of God on earth, and certain death is found for those who might disrespect his instruction.
It shouldn't surprise us that God is a person of detail. All we have to do is look around us. His created universe is held together by an infinite, indescribable precision.
Another thing that comes to mind is that the Israelites, now under a high priest, are a "type" of the church. As we see God's detailed instructions for the Levites, so too must we, as Christians, be using our gifts in the service of our Great Priest.
Lastly, as I read these verses, I find my mind wandering to our final promised land. I don't imagine there will be billions of us simply floating around on clouds playing harps.
Clearly, God is a person of structure and order. This was even evident in the Garden of Eden.
Surely then, we will have cities, perhaps varying countries, states, government of some kind, work to do, places to see, songs to hear, all in the service and presence of our Creator Father.
What a day that will be. No longer wandering as aliens in a strange land, but home with Abba, doing the things that Abba is preparing for us.
I am certain that today's 3D IMAX movies are mere child's play compared to what God has in store for us.