I used to be the type of person who thought of Jesus as a sort of Coca-Cola salesperson. You know, standing on the mountain, singing songs with hundreds of hippies, offering the real thing.
Then, in the last year, I read the whole Bible.
This hip Jesus is a figment of our imaginations. The Jesus of the Bible is very, very difficult to understand. Yet, his message is very simple. So simple in fact, that the simplest among us can understand.
Consider, for example, that in choosing his twelve disciples, Jesus Christ knowingly includes Judas. He knew that Judas was of the devil, yet he brings this devil amongst his closest twelve. Why would he do that?
In chapter six of John's gospel, Jesus talks in such offensive language that the crowd was reduced from 5,000 "believers", all the way down to 11! Why? People were leaving Jesus in droves. Why? Is the Sovereign of the universe out of control here? If not, then what is going on?
Dr. John Piper handles this difficult question, and brings a message that you must hear.
If your life has ever been, or is now currently out of control, and you wonder, "where on earth is God?", then you simply must take 45 minutes and listen to this message.
This is difficult to hear. You are not going to completely understand. God's infinite mind will not fit in our tiny little brains. But, you can get a glimpse. You can see through a mirror darkly. You can somewhat see through the veil. Look, dear reader, look!