Being created in the image of God, and living under the fall of man is a most precarious place for us to be.
Having now read the whole of the Bible, I now understand that the root of all of my sin is pride. At the end of the day, I desire to be my own god, and from that flows all matter of sin.
Even with this understanding, as I read the beginning chapters of Job, I found myself incensed that this whole situation might be taking place.
Why on earth would God do this to Job?
However, when you allow Yahweh's words from the whirlwind to sink in, then certainly you must go along with Job and proclaim:
“Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth.5 I have spoken once, and I will not answer;
twice, but I will proceed no further.”
Certainly, if God were to appear before me, and ask these unanswerable questions, I would have the same answer.
Therefore, does it not behoove me to meditate on this scene, and earnestly seek the Holy Spirit's help to burn this attitude on my heart?
What can the clay say to the potter?
Oh my soul, understand who you are, and of much greater concern, understand who Yahweh is!