This post is part of a series of posts taken from Dr. Wayne Grudem's Sunday school class at Scottsdale Bible Church. In this class, Dr. Grudem is taking us through his forthcoming book: Politics: According to the Bible. I have created a category link here, which will allow you to scroll through all of the upcoming posts.
Dr. Grudem has now concluded the first chapter of his book, Five Wrong Views About Christians and Politics, and now moves to the second chapter of his forthcoming book, A Better Solution: Significant Christian Influence on Government.
This particular recording is only 23 minutes long, as this was the week of our church's missions festival, Celebrating the Harvest, and we were given updates, and testimonials, from three separate missionaries that our class supports.
Nonetheless, Dr. Grudem points out that there are significant examples of God's people creating influence on their governments in both the Old, and New Testaments, and spends this shortened class laying this foundation.
Please find below a recording of the class, and class notes: