I have had a great deal of very interesting conversations since the starting of this blog. As such, I have come across a common confusion that I would like to attempt to set straight.
Point #1 - we live in a marvelous land where people of all faiths are welcome. We respect each other's faith, and in fact many would die to protect a land where we are all free to worship in their own way.
I stand firmly in this camp.
I rejoice that we live where one is free to call themselves New Age, Catholic, Evangelical, Buddhist, Hindu, Morman, Seventh Day Adventist, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, or even Atheist.
Now that we are all here, and free, we can now freely dialog with one another about which faith must be true. This must occur because these faiths all ultimately contradict one another.
This is where the post-modern has gone astray. The post-modern would proclaim that there is no true truth, and whether you believe in thousands of gods, one true God, or that we are all somehow a piece of god, all of these are possible to be true, if you believe them to be true.
This is pure nonsense. Go stand in front of a speeding locomotive, and you will find that there is true truth. Standing in front of a speeding locomotive will produce your death.
Point #2 - Christianity proclaims itself to be the one, actually the only way, to know the one true God, and to save oneself from a future judgment of this one true God to those who rebel against him, and do not place their faith in him.
Because of the seemingly irrepressible influence of post-modern thought, Christianity's statement seems arrogant, and greatly offensive to much of the American mind.
Unfortunately, a speeding locomotive is a speeding locomotive, and no amount of imagination will change it from being so.
Therefore, lets abandon all this nonsense about many "truths". This way of life is not livable. There is true truth. If you jump off the edge of the Grand Canyon, you will be smashed like a bug.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
Let the real, true conversation begin!