This current recession has been very difficult for a great many in our nation. Furthermore, this particular recession has reached into the very heart of all economic classes.
A great many workers find themselves unemployed and facing great uncertainty, while millions of baby boomers, standing at retirement's door, found their assets cut in half, and their life course completely changed.
One of the first things that the Christian must wrap their minds around is that God is in control, is sovereign, and in a most mysterious way has ordained this.
I have been forced to come to grips with this myself, and have written about it in the following articles:
- Did God prescribe America's current recession?
- John Piper - this recession is ordained by God, don't waste it!
- Why has God created this great recession?
Armed with this understanding, and more importantly bowing the will to God's sovereignty, we can then begin to find the blessing in all of this mess.
Blessing you say? Are you nuts? How can there be blessing when I don't have a job? How can there be blessing when I am 65 years old, and must go back to work because my assets have been destroyed?First of all, if these questions are resonating in your heart, you must go back to step one, and bend the knee to God. God uses recessions to get our attention. He desires that we place him in the highest place in our life. When economic times are good, we can easily forget our Creator.
However, once we have "done business with God", and have a right understanding, we can then begin to move forward to find God's blessing from the trial.
I implore you, please don't take the following prescriptions lightly. There are directly from the lips of God, through James:
- Step #1 - seek wisdom. I can tell you that a great part of my pain, during this economic downturn, was due to a lack of wisdom in certain areas. God desires to teach us, to give us wisdom. We only need ask. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." (James 1:5)
- Step #2 - deepen your faith. This will require some work on your part. What is it that God desires to teach you whilst you lie on your back? Most likely it has to do with your relationship, and having a proper understanding of who God is. This faith, and its accompanying understanding, is found by reading, studying, listening to, hearing preached, and dialoging with others about God's word. There is no other way. God speaks to us, in the era of the church, primarily through the hearing of his word. Commit yourself to a regular diet of God's word. It will change your life. "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,..." (James 1:6) Faith is a settled trust. Faith is finally crying uncle, coming to the end of yourself, and placing your trust in God, through Jesus Christ. Without this, you will never have the ability to find this joy of which the Bible speaks. You will be constantly bantered about by the waves of life.
- Step #3 - be obedient. This is where the rubber meets the road. Faith and obedience go hand in hand. Our post-modern culture hates the idea that we must surrender our wills, and be obedient to a sovereign God. We are most pleased to be the sovereigns in our lives. Yet James instructs us to be doers of the Word, and not merely hearers of the word. Our faith is worthless, if we are not willing to put it into practice. In fact, the Bible uses incredibly graphic terms for this type of "faith". A steaming pile of dung comes to mind.
Here's the deal. I have looked at these three things most of my life. But to be honest, I never really possessed them. This time, through this economic crisis, God got my full attention, and I have been on a three year journey to actually own these traits, instead of giving them lip service.
When you look at these three steps, do you yawn, or do you deeply desire them?
There is a blessing for those who learn to persevere, for those who will run the good race:
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12)
This not only refers to eternal life with Christ, but it also alludes to the laurel wreath given to the winner in athletic games.
Let's together join to obtain not only the promised golden crown, but let's also join to obtain the laurel wreath presented to champions of the faith right here on earth.
If you desire to learn more about this, here is an on-line audio message from Pastor Jamie Rasmussen, given at our men's Marketplace Bible Study.