This post is part of a series of posts taken from Dr. Wayne Grudem's Sunday school class at Scottsdale Bible Church. In this class, Dr. Grudem is taking us through his forthcoming book: Politics: According to the Bible. I have created a category link here, which will allow you to scroll through all of the upcoming posts.
Last week, I asked Dr. Grudem if he thought America was a "Christian Nation", as I have seen these two words used solely as an argument in business circles to stand behind certain political views.
Dr. Grudem was reluctant to answer this value tinged question last week. However, being the gracious man that he is, he brought this topic to plate with his first swing at bat on Sunday to help clarify the difficulty of my question.
Thank you Dr. Grudem! Your heart for Christ is evident.
Wrong View #3 - All Government is Demonic
Dr. Grudem spent the whole class deconstructing this view, which at its heart is a complete, and total pacifism promoted by the likes of Greg Boyd.
Boyd, and others holding this view would purport that:
- all government is deeply infected by evil, demonic forces. Therefore, when America and Hitler were at war, this was the result of two demonic forces.
- raising the sword to defend your country is wrong.
- raising the sword to defend even your wife is wrong.
- had Christians been more like Christ (pacifistic) then world wars would not have occurred.
Dr. Grudem was disturbed by how this view has caused confusion in the church, and that this view itself, being a wrong view, is not Biblical, and therefore an "exact reversal of the role of God and Satan with regard to civil government".
Listen to Dr. Grudem's response to Greg Boyd:
What do you think?
- would you fight to protect your wife, or would you adopt the pacifists views and stand idly by?
- Was the United States wrong to confront Hitler with military force?
- Is all government evil and demonic?
- Has Boyd missed the point by ignoring the whole of God's counsel on this matter?
- What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Right or Wrong?
Very difficult questions, but I stand with Dr. Grudem on this. You?
Class notes: Download Grudem_Christians_Politics