I have a friend, quite a few years my senior, who I have noticed seemingly frantic about doing good works before his death.
You see, he is Catholic, and he has been instructed all his life that he must behave in certain ways. If he doesn't meet some mysterious standard, then he might spend many, many years in purgatory (which I don't believe exits).
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Key points:
- Grace = unmerited favor. We didn't/don't deserve it.
- We are saved by faith. Faith + Nothing = Salvation.
- This is not our own doing! God chose us. See Doctrine of Election.
- It is a gift. We don't earn gifts.
- It is not the result of our works.
- This way, none of us can boast. All the glory for our salvation goes to God.
Please dear Catholic friend(s), pull out your Bible and read it for yourselves. Ask many questions, and don't quit until you are satisfied that you understand God's words on the matter, and no others.
Here is a recent article by Pulpit magazine on this topic.
HT [Tim Challies]