"Saul and the Witch of Endor", 1828, by William Sidney Mount. (Smithsonian American Art Museum)
1 Samuel 28:7 - Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek out for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “Behold, there is a medium at En-dor.”
Boy, what a surprising account this is!
The last thing I expected was to see the prophet Samuel speaking in this way. It is shocking on many levels.
I won't spend much time on this, but it does serve to show us that such things (witches, mediums, necromancers, etc) are real. I have a friend who is deeply involved in "The Law of Attraction". This has become very popular, and particularly in some business circles. Many have purchased the book, having no idea what lies at the root.
However, if you do just a little exploring, you will find that this "Law of Attraction", at its root, is a woman channeling a demon, who goes by the name of Abraham.
Unfortunately, because of the spectacle delivered, many fall prey to these abominations warned of by the Scriptures.
I can't begin to understand Saul's coming into the Spirit of God, then God's Spirit leaving him, and then a tormenting spirit taking God's place.I suspect that this evil spirit, because God had turned his face away from Saul, led Saul to seek the medium for answers, as he was accustomed to having someone verbally tell him what to do. Imagine the surprise in the room for the demon worshipers, when God, through Samuel, communicates. When the medium saw Samuel, "she cried with a loud voice", just as all evil does when the holiness of God is present.
Darkness always runs from the Light. It is true in our natural world, and it is certainly true in the spiritual world.
Most surprising to me, as I consider the life of Saul thus far, is attempting to wrap my mind around God's sovereign plan in the use of Saul.
I recall Jesus' prayer for his future church. Here we are, 2,000 years removed from Christ walking on this earth, living on a planet that is more, and more, removed from the things of Christ. We are given this book to make our faith in God, the world screaming its sheer nonsense. Then, to top it off, we have the most incredible narratives presented.
The natural mind, and even a great deal of Christianity is going to say, "you believe all that to be literally true?"
I must confess, I do, but sometimes it seems hard to hold onto. I mean come on, haven't you read some of these things and heard a voice of reason in your head say, "come on David, you don't believe that...do you?"
During these times, I am forced to go all the way back down to the base. There is no way that I believe that our world simply happened from nothingness. There is a creator. He has shown himself to us through creation. He also has revealed himself through his Scriptures, and most importantly through Jesus Christ.
These things are not easily believed. A man named Jesus, walks around on earth claiming to be the Messiah? God? Decisions must be made. The worst of decisions is not making a decision.
I have made the decision. I believe in God. I believe that Jesus, the Christ, came in the flesh, died for my sins, and prepares a place for me in eternity.
Now, Father, please help me in my unbelief. My nature so cries for empirical evidence. I don't cry for empirical evidence, although that would be nice, but please Abba, crowd out the unbelief in my soul, such that there is no room for it. Please make Yourself more, and more known to me.
How about you? Do you ever find yourself in wonder? Do you ever find yourself fighting unbelief?