I had a very difficult time reading this morning's passage in Ezekiel, as I witnessed the Glory of God leaving his Temple.
Is not this Glory of God the same we view in Revelation?
To consider God turning his back upon his chosen is unbearable to me. When God turns his back, then surely judgment will follow.
When I read this, I was immediately transported in my mind to Gethsemane, where we find God turning his back, and leaving Messiah in the garden to face His judgment and wrath.
Imagine the horror of Ezekiel as he witnessed this!
Dear reader, are you shaken to your very core when you read this?
We know of the judgment to follow. We are keenly aware of Jerusalem's horrible destruction.
But for me, I weep as I consider God's Glory disappearing over the Mount of Olives.
Oh, what agony could be greater than having God turn his back upon you? Is not the judgment secondary to this?