I am beginning to hear great grumbling, and fear from all fronts regarding our economy, out nation's debt, and the general direction of our electorate.
What do you suppose God has to say about these financial matters? Do you think God even cares about the financial health of our country, or perhaps even his people?
I believe he does!
Might I make the strongest of recommendations?
Before our congress is back in session, in the fall, please set aside 4 hours to study God's view of economics with Dr. Barry Asmus (economist), and Dr. Wayne Grudem (theologian).The two of them have paired up to bring us information directly from God's word, as to how we should behave from a financial point of view, and have presented it in an easily digestible format.
Scottsdale Bible Church is blessed to have these two scholars in our midst, and I feel compelled to share this information with you.
Again, please set aside 4 hours, over the coming weeks, make sure to include your older children, and learn from these learned men:
50 Factors Within Nations that Determine their Wealth or Poverty
Here is a link to the notes from our Sunday School Class.
After you invest these four hours, then share this information with your friends, family, and encourage them to listen. I promise, these invested 4 hours will better help you communicate with our legislators, and further better understand a proper view of economics from God's view.
Please, hit the "share this" button below, and pass this information on!