ESV Study Bible Devotions
Sadly, the largest deterrence to Christianity is the behavior of a great many who call themselves Christians.
It would seem that a great many have joined the club, got the membership card, and then have simply gone about living their lives, with their membership card safely tucked away in their wallets.
This "easy believism", or "cheap grace" as Bonhoeffer called it, is very unattractive, and understandably repulsive to an honest, thinking onlooker.
The simple truth of the matter is that Christianity is anything but easy. As sincere person, reading the whole of the Bible, is going to struggle greatly as they attempt to wrap their minds around its teachings.
If you come at this with integrity, you are going to be constantly pressed upon all sides, as you begin to grapple with these words. If you begin to understand what is being said here, you are going to ask yourself: can this be true?
If you have not wrestled in this way, if you, professing to be a Christian, have not even read the text, then is it possible that you are not actually a true Christian?
This morning, in my yearlong journey through my ESV Study Bible, I came upon the writers very stern warnings against apostasy.
First off, there is a verbal spanking for those who have been on a diet of spiritual milk all their lives (I used to be in that camp), and then there is a most disturbing interchange regarding those who merely have the membership card, followed up with a reminder of God's certain promise to the true heirs of Christ.
This section is very disturbing to read. The honest, transparent, thinking person cannot read these words, and remain unmoved in the faith that they claim to possess. It will shake you, challenge your beliefs, and force upon you, if taken seriously, integrity.
Furthermore, if more were to choose to strap on this difficult theology, is it not possible that intelligent, onlooking people might engage in the debate then be forced to gawk in disgust with those who cling to a cheap faith?
If you can read the words of Hebrews 5:11-6:12, and not be shaken, then you simply must question the sincerity of what you claim to believe. Perhaps you are bringing shame to yourself, and the name of Christ because your so called faith is nothing but a membership in the Christian social club.
Tough words? You bet, but I didn't write them. But if we heed them, at least it shows integrity in our faith.
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