This morning, as I continue my journey to read through the whole of my ESV Study Bible, I was thinking back on the scene where Christ calls Simon (Peter) to follow him, to become "fishers of men".
The scene presented in Matthew is not Peter's first encounter with Messiah. Evidently, it was about a year earlier that Peter's brother Andrew came running down the beach, "Simon, Simon, I have seen the Messiah!"
For hundreds of years, God had remained silent in his relationship with Israel. And for hundreds of years, the remnant mourned, wailed, and cried to God to shine his face once again upon them.
And here is Simon, fishing in his boat, when God (let that sink in) walks up to Simon and calls him into his employ.
I wonder, what must have Peter have seen, as God walked the planet for the past year. Can you imagine?
Those men had no idea what was about to transpire, in their lives, in the next 3-5 years. Their whole paradigm would be absolutely shattered. Messiah come to conquer, but not in the slightest way imagined.
I too have found Messiah. He has captured my heart, and at the moment I appear to be in the period of instruction, fellowship, and growth in a proper relationship as his son.
I must confess, I have done a bit of squealing. Coming under that Lordship of a Sovereign King, yet loving Father, is not an easy transition for such an independent, and proud one, such as I.
When Jesus knocked Paul of his horse, I wonder what transpired in his life, over the next three years as he submitted, and learned.
I find myself whining a lot, "God, I didn't get to actually see you, like Peter. It is far more difficult for me to possess this type of faith. Besides that, you seem to run me through these periods of silence, even though daily, I work to be constrained to thee!"
I find myself whining in this way, less, and less. Slowly, but surely, as I continue to pursue Him, I am learning. I can see light at the end of this tunnel. Clearly I can see the reason for the season of discipline, and instruction.
And you know what, in spite of all the calamity, I am now disposed to be immensely thankful that He cared enough to keep me in the palm of his hand, and apply just the right amount of pressure to snap me out of my prideful, idolatrous path.
I look forward to the day, when the message is clear, "David, go, feed my sheep." Don't get me wrong, we are all called to do that, and I am doing that, but I look forward to doing it in a way that is clearly, without question, wonderfully anointed of God, and blasting Him glory, boatloads of glory, with every breath that I take.
Oh my soul, wait only upon God!
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