Today is June 1st, and I am 5 months into my first journey reading the whole of my ESV Study Bible.
There are a number of thoughts that come to mind:
- I have just finished reading all 150 Psalms. I am going to miss the Psalms, and today am feeling loss at having read them all. Clearly I see an in-depth study of the Psalms on my plate, somewhere in the future.
- Today, my reading plan begins a journey through Proverbs. I suspect that I will enjoy this phase of the journey as well.
- My view, of who God is, has completely changed. It has been fascinating to watch God interact with Israel in the Pentateuch, listening to David sing the Lord's praises, and crying before him in caves, while at the same time, listening to Paul instruct the young Christian churches. There are a great many people who would claim to know God, but have never once read the entirety of his words to us. I am still in that camp. However, I am 5/12ths of the way to giving remedy to that situation.
You can't read the Bible, with an intent heart, and not be changed. We live in the age of the church, and the Scriptures are God's primary tool for interaction, and instruction.
Recently, I read that post-modern American thinks of Jesus Christ as "Bono in a bathrobe". I was saddened to read this, because it is painfully true. We claim to have great opinions of who God is, but have never read his book. How foolish we can be.
Friend, if you have never read the whole of the Scriptures, I implore you, start your journey today. Nothing could be simpler than using Crossway's annual reading plan. Each day I am presented with four sections of the Bible. I then sit back and read, while listening to the text being audibly read aloud to me.
For me, adding the sense of sound, brings the text more alive, and sinks the words deeper into my heart.
Well, enough said, I am also just starting the Book of Deuteronomy, I am looking forward to more adventures in the life of Moses, and the Israelites. Image, God physically dwelling in the land with us. Here we have a picture of just such an interaction.
Gotta run..Moses is recounting the Wilderness Years.