"Balaam's Ass", 1626, by Rembrandt
As I continue my year-long journey through my ESV Study Bible, it occurs to me that God continually presents himself in remarkable, and to many post-modern eyes, unbelievable ways.
Not small is the crowd that would have us believe this story to be allegorical. I do not fall into that camp. For one thing, who am I to chose what is allegory, and what is not.
Furthermore, I have chosen to believe that the Bible is the literal, and inerrant word of God. But that is for another post.
It brings me wonder that God would speak to, and through this pagan seer. Obviously, this dude was well known in the land, as kings were summoning him for advice, and willing to be gouged by Balaam as he ploys to extract the most money out of the situation.
Then, remarkably, as Balaam is on his journey to speak with his client kings, his donkey freaks out at the sight of a sword bearing angel in the road.
Balaam is blind to this, and God speaks to Balaam through the lips of the donkey. I think here God is supplying all of Christianity with a test. Do you believe my words? Do you believe that I can make a donkey speak?
Beyond that, it is most amusing that here God would use a donkey to see his angel, and remarkably speak through a donkey! Is not this the world's great seer? Does he not profess to see things that no man sees?
As I read this story, I can certainly see how our world clamors for the seers sage advice. A great many follow after television personalities turned spiritual guide, or run to lecture halls to hear men of great intellect tells us how there is no God.
Sometimes, I wonder if the crickets looks at us with disdain. I wonder if they say to themselves, "for being the ones who are to subdue the land, you sure are a blind, and proud species."
Is it possible that a cricket possesses more truth of God then most of humanity?