"Martin Luther's Pentateuch", first printing 1523. I shot this at "From the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Bible in America" exhibit.
This post is part of my 31 day journey through Andrew Murray's devotional treatise, "Waiting on God". You can find my reasons for this journey at this link.
Psalm 37:34 - Wait for the Lord and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.
From Andrew Murray: We may be sure that God is never and nowhere to be found but in his ways. If we do not keep his ways, our waiting on him can bring no blessing."
What are we to do, while we are waiting upon God. My experience has been constant, and relentless barrages from the evil one. A seemingly unending salvo of accusations, all designed to destroy my faith, and resolve.
Furthermore, while waiting upon God, we can rest assured that we must be on guard to fight against every weakness that lies wait in our natures. Satan is most pleased, in my case to whisper, "Go ahead, eat that doughnut, it will bring you comfort."
Here is where we must don the armor of righteousness, and trust in the promise that nothing will befall us that we haven't been given the strength to overcome.
Here we must peer deeply into our souls and rid ourselves of any unrighteousness. Certainly we can not expect God to hear our prayers, or to meet us in the valley of our woe, if we are blatantly walking in evil ways.
So, while I wait, this is a great time to do a little soul searching, and holy housekeeping.
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