As I continue my year-long journey through my ESV Study Bible, I continue to find amazement.
I am currently in the thirteenth chapter of Leviticus. I have never read this book, and my only recollection of it, is of complaining people trying to muddle their way through.
Frankly, I am finding it fascinating. I think we have to step back and remember what is happening here. Holy God is physically speaking to Moses, and Moses is feverishly writing down every word.
Moses is actually in the presence of God! That all by itself stuns the daylights out of me.
The Jewish people have far more reverence for the words of the Torah than we do. They understand, perhaps more clearly, that God was physically speaking to Moses, one of their people, and they hold these words in very high regard. Should we not do the same?
I understand that there is a new covenant, but Jesus said that he came to fulfill the Scriptures, not replace them.
The book of Leviticus has laid down the procedures having to do with the temple, the sacrifice, and now I am reading, in great detail, what God told the Israelites regarding what is clean, and unclean.
God is giving instruction about what is clean, and unclean as it pertains to the eating of animals, purification after childbirth, skin diseases such as leprosy, and evidently soon to transition to what is clean, and unclean for the temple priests.
As I was reading through the very detailed instructions regarding leprosy this morning, I was struck with three things:
- God cares about the details of my life. Just look at the details he gives to the ancient Israelites regarding this one area of their lives.
- How amazing is it that God actually came to dwell among his people. He actually spoke to them, and gave them written instructions for their lives. If God asked you to dictate his words, would you carefully write them down? Would you hold them in high regard, and put them in a special place? Would you follow what God told you? We loose perspective don't we?
- Viewing this scene, from this side of the cross, and recalling Paul's words about the law killing him, I begin to get deeper, and deeper understanding. I am just now beginning to read the law, and I suspect, that before I am through, my mind will say, "Who could do all this?" "Exactly", Paul would say, "that is why we need a Savior!"
As I continue to read the Hebrew Torah, I will force myself to look from a distance. I will see Moses, before God, writing down every jot and tittle. With such a scene, how could I not look in rapt attention.
Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? What were your impressions? If God were to physically speak words to you, and told you to write them down, would you pay attention? Do we not honor God, as we hang on every word, in a deep desire to know him more?