Believe it or not, this is a cactus flower that I shot last year, about this time. It never ceases to amaze me, the beauty that comes from such seemingly ugly, and thorny plant life.
When we moved to Arizona, about 2 1/2 years ago, we learned that the arid Sonoran desert has 5 seasons: winter, spring, foresummer (hot & dry), summer (monsoons, hot & humid), fall, and winter.
We are currently moving into the foresummer period, which generally takes place in May & June.
During these months, we will generally see temperatures climb well into the 100's, and see humidity levels down around 10%.
This is perhaps the most difficult season for nature to endure, until the rains of the monsoon season start in July.
However, God's gift to us, during this season, is that the succulents will all now bloom.
What an amazing place this desert is. What a place of striking contrasts. What a wonderful place God has provided for us to live!