A few days ago, I was doing my annual reading plan, through my ESV Study Bible, when I happened across Psalm 109, an imprecatory Psalm, where a sufferer calls down curses upon his oppressor.
I was taken back by this. These were not nice curses. They were things like: I hope you die, I hope your children become orphans, and your wife a widow. I pray that God would blot out your name, and on, and on!
These were the sufferers prayers to God!
Feeling a little lost in my understanding of this Psalm, I reached out to a few theologians. Dr. John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, at Reformed Theological Seminary was kind enough to respond. Here is his response:
I highly recommend you give his link a click, and read this thoughts on Imprecations. Here are his closing thoughts from the article:
Thank you Dr. Frame! You bring more clarity to a difficult, and clearly paradoxical question.