I don't know about you, but I absolutely hate waiting.
When I was in college, I did a lot of solo vocal work, and the waiting before my performances was absolute misery to me.
That period of waiting, in fact, was so miserable for me, that I would quite often get sick, as I worked myself into a frenzy.
What if I forget my words? What if my fly is open? What if the sound system doesn't work? What if the people hate my singing?
What if? What if? What if?
This whole "what if?" syndrome eventually turned into a season of panic attacks back in the early 90's, as my wife and I were starting our business.
Eventually, I worked my way through that faulty thinking, but the loathing of waiting remains.
Guess what? It would seem that God would like to teach me to wait...UGH...OK...I am willing to learn to wait upon God. After all, when God knocked Paul off his horse, it was three years before he was back in the saddle, so to speak.
Abba, its been three years for me too!
I was sharing with my pastor, Jamie Rasmussen, the other day how God seems to be saying, "wait", to me all the time. I was telling him how nothing I do, seems to find the wind in my sails. "I am not accustomed to this", I was bemoaning.
In less than a millisecond, he recommended Andrew Murray's, "Waiting on God".
So, Mr. John Calvin, your "Institutes of the Christian Religion" are going to take a back seat to Mr. Murray for the next 31 days, as I seek to learn to...well...wait.
This should be interesting!