This post is part of my 31 day journey through Andrew Murray's devotional treatise, "Waiting on God". You can find my reasons for this journey at this link.
Psalm 104:27-28 - "These all look to you,
to give them their food in due season.
28 When you give it to them, they gather it up;
when you open your hand, they are filled with good things."
The True Place of the Creature - Day #3
Remember this photograph of President Barack Obama, bowing before a Saudi King?
This photograph created all sorts of hubbub for many reasons. But the primary reason is that this is seen as an act of submission. A subject to his King. American's cringe at such things. To see our President bowing, well, suffice it to say, it was all the talk for quite a while.
Andrew Murray today points us to the animals, and reminds us of the Bible's teaching that they all wait upon, look to, or, taken to its deepest measure, bow before their King, God, and are completely dependent on him.
Murray further instructs that the animals, in their dependence, become our preachers, reminding us of the relationship which was founded in creation, and is now taken up in grace.
From Murray:
"Before we fully understand all that is implied in our waiting upon God, and before we ever have been able to cultivate the habit, let the truth enter our souls: waiting on God, unceasing and entire dependence upon Him, is, in heaven and earth, the one and only true religion, the one unalterable and all-comprehensive expression for the true relationship to the ever-blessed One in whom we live."
Can I be 100% honest with you? Part of me, my flesh I suppose, doesn't like this whole idea of bowing, being a subject of, or being entirely dependent on anyone. My flesh doesn't like the idea of a sovereign King.
"If there is to be a king, let it be me", says my flesh.
Perhaps this is why I have spent a good part of the last three years on God's thrashing floor.
My soul, wait only upon God!
How about you? Are you in unceasing, and entire dependence on Him? Do you ever feel the rebel stirring in your soul?