This post is part of my 31 day journey through Andrew Murray's devotional treatise, "Waiting on God". You can find my reasons for this journey at this link.
Genesis 49:18 - I wait for your salvation, O Lord.
From Andrew Murray:
"Our heart is the scene of a divine operation more wonderful than creation. We can do as little towards the work as towards creating the world, except as God works in us to will and to do. God only asks of us to yield, to consent, to wait upon Him, and He will do it all. Let us meditate and be still, until we see how appropriate and right and blessed it is that God alone do all, and our soul will of itself sink down in deep humility to say: "I have waited for Your salvation, O Lord." And the deep, blessed background of all our praying and working will be, "Truly my soul waits upon God."
As I think about this, it occurs to me that there exists still, a battle of wills. I have come to the point where I understand that I need heart surgery. Furthermore, I have placed my faith in the Great Heart Surgeon.
The problem is, while my heart is open, I continually say, "give me those scalpels, I can do this myself".
When I consider yielding, and humility, again, I intellectually assent. But, I find myself in a constant battle.
Just this morning I was considering the relationship one must have under the relationship of a sovereign. I found myself recoiling at the idea. I am an American. A rugged individualist. I control my destiny. I am the captain of my ship. The little boy in me, once again seeking to show my scoffing father. "I'll show you dad, I am worthy of your blessing!"
Give ME those scalpels God....I can do it.
Where is the balance? I have no idea what it means to wait upon God. Some say, "God helps those who help themselves."
If I find the ability to more, and more yield, and submit...then what does that look like?
I feel like I have spent the last three years seeking God, yet my life feels like a great running in place.
Must I hide in caves in for 10 years as David? Is my pride so great that I need to eat grass like Nebuchadnezzar for 7 years? Is Job's providence mine?
Abba, I have no idea what it means to wait upon you! take back the scalpels.