I have found myself wrestling with this guy quite a bit over the past year.
The interesting part of this wrestling match is that it is within myself. A wrestling match of natures. A wrestling match of my fallen nature, with my renewed spirit.
A battle for the mind. A battle of the will. A battle of worldviews.
For 52 years, I have accumulated a worldview from my experiences, relationships, and studies.
Now, as I journey through the Scriptures, I find that my worldview, in many cases, is in direct conflict with what I am reading.
Some things are fairly easy to accommodate.
Some, however, require a great wrestling match. Furthermore, my opponent, in this wrestling match, is a strong, heavy, and very determined dude! In more than a few cases, we have wrestled for weeks.
In many cases, I have prevailed. In some cases, we are still at a draw. In a few cases, yet to be unfolded, or perhaps in my capitulation, he still remains the victor.
Frankly, I wish I didn't have to do battle with this guy all the time. It is very wearisome. However, that is our task. Right? Go do battle with this 450 pound behemoth.
Sometimes, I think I have won the match, only to find this guy arising from the mat, grabbing me by the hair, and dragging me back into the ring. He is a very determined opponent!
Here are a few of the ongoing battles:
- Are you Totally Depraved? Seeking to understand Total Depravity.
- Is God a Megalomaniac? Still very carefully seeking to understand this.
- Help, I confused! Before regeneration, what did dead mean?
If you have any lifelines, to these quandaries, please feel free to click the links and throw them my way!
Have you come across this guy in your path?