This post is part of my year long study of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. To facilitate this course of study, I am following along with Princeton Theological Seminary's "A Year with the Institutes", which also includes an audio reading of the text.
Calvin's Institutes of Religion: 1:17:1-14
This scene, to the left, is being played out all over America. For that matter, this particular recession is so profound, that it reaches the utmost ends of the earth.
We are currently standing amidst unprecedented financial chaos. Fully 50% of American's wealth has been removed from their life savings, previously thought imperishable financial institutions, in remarkable numbers, are collapsing all around us.
Unemployment stands at historic levels, and a great fear has gripped the pocketbooks of America's families, threatening to send our whole economy into collapse.
To add coal to the fire, our government is responding with trillions of dollars in debt, hoping to spend their way, with money that doesn't exist, out of this stupefying mess.
Well....isn't THAT special!
So here's the question of all questions: Did God prescribe this mess?
Does God involve himself in the affairs of man, or does he just sit above and watch? When we think of God's providence, does that sometimes mean a holy spanking? Is it possible that God would spank a whole nation?
Calvin continues, in his "Institutes of the Christian Religion", to discuss God's providence. It will likely serve us well to consider these matters, in the face of our current calamities.
Let's refresh our memories, of a few of Calvin's key statements, in defining God's providence:
"At the outset, then, let my readers grasp that providence means not that by which God idly observes from heaven what takes place on earth, but that by which, as keeper of the keys, he governs all events. Thus it pertains no less to his hands than to his eyes."
Each, and all of the world's parts are governed by God's providence. Each, and all! That means that God's hand is in this mess. We also know that all is done to glorify God. Therefore, this mess will, in some fashion, certainly beyond our present comprehension, glorify God!
Do you believe that?
I am reminded of Joseph, sold by his brothers into slavery. What must he have been thinking as his brothers threw him down into the pit? What must he have been thinking as he was bound, and dragged off to Egypt, to live out his life as a slave?
Remarkably, this is Joseph's statement to his brothers, as they tremble before him in fear of his retribution:
Did you catch that? God sold Joseph into slavery, to bring about the preservation of his people.
Therefore, is it not proper to conclude that God also has sold our nation, into recession, to bring about some purpose that we cannot now see?
Here this from Calvin:
In the middle of chapter 17, Calvin puts forth a "holy meditation on Divine Providence", with 15 points for us to consider:
- All events happen by the ordination of God.
- All things contribute to the advantage of the godly.
- The hearts of men, and all of their endeavors, are in the hand of God.
- Providence watches for the safety of the righteous.
- God has a special care of his elect.
- God, in various ways, curbs and defeats the enemies of the Church.
- He overrules all creatures, even Satan himself, for the good of his people.
- He trains the godly to patience and moderation.
- He shakes off their lethargy, and urges them to repentance.
- The right use of inferior causes is explained.
- When the godly become negligent or imprudent, in the discharge of duty, Providence reminds them of their fault.
- It condemns the iniquities of the wicked.
- It produces a right consideration of the future, rendering the servants of God prudent, diligent, and active.
- It causes them to resign themselves to the wisdom and omnipotence of God, and, at the same time, makes the diligent in their calling.
- Though human life is beset with innumerable evils, the righteous, trusting to Divine Providence, feel perfectly secure.
Calvin's conclusion:
There have been a great many days, in the past years, where I have not been "relieved and set free".
I don't know about you, but I am going to seek the Holy Spirit's wisdom, and ask that these understandings be burned into my very cells.
Has this particular post been a help to you? I really do hunger after your comments, and interaction, with this study!