A few day ago, I wrote a post, asking the question, Is God a Megalomaniac?
First of all, please understand that I prefaced my question with a prayer right on my blog, as I asked this question, so as not to be disrespectful to my Savior King.
I put the question out on my blog, on my facebook page, and even went so far as to e-mail the question to a number of theologians, including Dr. Mohler, through his facebook page's e-mail system.
To my great surprise, he took up the question, on his blog, and further brought the question to his national radio program, The Albert Mohler Program.
Here are some of the key points to Dr. Mohler's answer:
1.) The question comes from my own human reference point. Therefore, it is difficult to see and understand the things of God. This is only done by Divine revelation.
2.) God is the one perfect Being. He must therefore, display his own perfection (glory).
3.) God's glory is a generous and self giving glory. His glory is his own joy, and the display of his glory, brings his creatures their greatest joy. We will find our greatest joy, where God displays his greatest glory.
In my mind, is a shelf. On that shelf are beautiful, translucent, alabaster jars that have no lids. These jars are my tools on sanctification's journey, and they represent the various understandings that will come along the way. These jars possess no lids, because in my current state, away from the direct presence of God, I can't see clearly. Therefore, these jars are always available for God to make deposits, and further my understanding of himself.
One of these jars is labeled "God's Glory". To be honest, I have a measure of intellectual accent to this answer, but....I need more of God's glory in my jar to better grasp the answer.
I feel saddened that my question is not going to receive its answer in full today. On the other hand, the journey that God calls me too, will find a constant stream of morsels, being deposited into my "God's Glory" jar, for ever! Daily surprised at God's glory, for eternity!
It comes to me, that if I were to fully understand God's glory, in my present state, I would likely disintegrate.
Therefore, today I have joy. I have joy that he has been pleased to address my question, to make a deposit into my "God's Glory" jar, and to do it in such a very special way.
Thank you! Thank you for this extra special deposit into my jar. I will eagerly look forward to more deposits in the coming days. I look forward, as I journey through your word, to seeing your face more clearly, day by day.
Thank you for using Dr. Mohler in my journey. It was a very special gesture to me, and it didn't go unnoticed! I love you Abba! I am melted, once again, in your presence.
Your Son,