This is a photograph that I took about a year ago. I call it "Saguaro's Evening Prayers".
The sun is setting on 2008, and we have 2009 at our doorstep.
The Bible teaches us that even creation groans for the return of Jesus Christ.
When I saw this Saguaro praying, it was a very moving reminder of that fact.
We are creatures who live in time, and when the calendar rolls around each year, we tend to become reflective.
Abba, please draw near to me more in 2009. Please direct your indwelling Spirit to consume every inch of my life, and make me more like Christ. I too long for your coming. My great hope is to one day be in your presence, and hear, from your lips, my new name, and your voice calling that name.
Abba, please create in me such a presence of your light, that people are attracted to your light. Most of all Father, my family, please, I pray, draw my family to yourself, and if I might be an instrument in that calling, I would be most pleased.
Abba, our country is in transition, and our country, because of its great wealth and comfort, has turned its back on you. Because so many, in our country can provide for themselves, they see no need for you Abba. I know that deeply saddens you. I recall your tears over Jerusalem. It hurts me to think that God cries. Yet, what a display of your heart. You are not only a holy Judge, but Father, Savior, & King. Abba, press on the heart of our new president. Show him your face. Guide and direct his path. Bring revival to our land. Let 2009 be a great awakening.
Father, please completely melt those men who have become my mentors. Show your grace greatly upon the hearts of Jamie Rasmussen, David Otto, Steve Eriksson, John Piper, Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, Mark Devers, Wayne Grudem, Albert Mohler, and Chuck Swindoll. I have learned greatly from these men. Furthermore, Father, please bring the greatest of blessings to my Christian blogging brothers & sisters.
Father, thank you so much for my wife. What a treasure she is to me. Help us to continue our marriage journey, and understand, more fully, that the destination of our marriage is in your kingdom, your arms, your eternal love, and some unknown, mysterious, great and wonderful place that you are building for us.
I love you deeply Abba, my life is yours, you are my King. I have great expectations of your glory for 2009. Keep me near, and never let me go.
Your son,
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