Extreme Makeover, and Ty Pennington, hit the Lansing, Michigan area. Here is the story from the Lansing State Journal.
We are here, in Lansing, Michigan to visit friends, family, and attend a wedding for the daughter of our good friends Bob & Karen Schroeder.
As it turns out, the same day of the wedding, the Extreme Makeover whirlwind has swooped down into their lives as well.
You see, Bob & Karen Schroeder, owners of Mayberry Homes, are also the builders of ABC's Makeover House here in Lansing. This morning the "knock on the door" occurred and tonight their daughter gets married.
As you can imagine, this will be a week of great stress for these dear people. Please send a prayer upstairs that God might grant them strength and calm during the simultaneous occurrence of both of these great stressful events. #xhome