Today, I want to introduce you to Laurie M. who writes the "Beauty from Ashes" blog.
Laurie has easily commanded the top spot as the most prolific commenter on my blog. Somehow, she found me back when I was wrestling my way through the doctrine of election.
Laurie is a bright and intelligent woman who always has a word of encouragement, sprinkled with her deep desire to reflect Christ, and is willingly open and transparent about her sanctification journey.
Here is a little of the profile gleaned from her blog:
"I'm a married mother with a teenage daughter and son. I live in a
hundred year old little frame house with my husband, son, 3 cats inside
& one out, a dear little pit bull, a little Schipperke, and
thousands of books (a few hundred of which are our own, the rest are
inventory). I've been a Christian since October 2004."
That handsome fellow standing next to her, is her husband Paul. He, by the way, write his own blog, "Dispatches from the Valley of the Shadow of Death".
Laurie has also been an active member of the Christian Classics reading project over at Tim Challies blog. Currently there are perhaps 100 of us reading Jonathan Edwards' "Religious Affections".
I would encourage you to get to know Laurie M. She seeks no glory or fame. She is simply another of heaven's sojourners, here on earth, seeking the glory and beauty of Christ.