I have tried real hard to keep my mouth shut on this blog regarding politics. It is my sincere desire to keep the focus and attention on Jesus Christ and catalogue my faith journey.
But, frankly, after listening to this man's double talk each day, I just can't contain myself anymore.
Does anyone else find this image disturbing?
Ok...Obama won't wear the American Flag on his lapel. Furthermore, Obama won't place his hand on his heart when the National Anthem is played.
But now, you replace the American flag on your campaign plane with what? What is this Obama?
Sure there is an American flag on your airplane, but it is about the size of the lapel pin you won't wear!
From a business point of view it makes no sense to court the American people with your furtive desire for a better America, and then show blatant contempt for the flag that we all rally around.
I have certainly felt strong feelings in past elections about this or that. But this one, Mr. Barack Obama, is a different matter indeed.
I have never before felt such a stirring, in my soul, that you are perhaps completely against every foundational belief that this country holds dear.
When I saw your pandering and dancing around critical issues at the Saddleback Forum you lost what shred of hope that I had that you were authentic in your desire for a better America.
There was precious little hope that I would ever vote for you in the first place (I am a Republican). But now, you make me stand up against you.
I am greatly concerned that you, sir, possess an underlying motive that I certainly don't care to learn about after you are this countries leader.
I listened with great interest and heart to your speech regarding race in America, during your pastor's dismal display. I gave you the benefit of doubt. I deeply desire the healing of which you speak!
But seriously, why on earth would you replace the American flag on your plane with this...this...what the heck is this?
I was getting a haircut the other day, and my barber had a picture
of your plane on his wall. He is scared to death that you truly are a
secret anti-American fanatic.
The plane thing really was a stupid move on your part.
So stupid in fact, that it makes me wonder, as well, what on earth your motive for doing so might be?
8/22/08 Update:
I have given considerable thought about this post and its underlying motives. I have determined, at the end of the day, that this was written from fear and a lack of faith. I considered simply removing this post in an attempt to hide my frailties, but....it is my desire that first my family and friends, and secondly, any that might read this, understand that frailties are indeed a part of this life.
So...let me rephrase:
Mr. Obama,
If indeed you are a regenerated son of the living God, then first I apologize for my strong language yesterday and seek your forgiveness. It is my desire that your faith claims are indeed true and that we can spend eternity together in praise of God.
Secondly, you can not serve God and man. Many of your platforms are in direct opposition to the word of God. I too, have served bad theologies (I was a lover of money and filled with pride). It grieves me to hear your faith claims on one hand and your love and support of those things which are an abomination to God on the other.
Therefore, rather than stand against you, I now say, not yet. Not yet because I believe that you, like me, need to get on your knees and seek God with all your heart. Then perhaps later, a yes is in store.
I have no idea what is in store in the coming elections. I do know, however, that I will diligently seek to have an attitude and heart that is more aware of God's sovereignty and place my trust in his loving and infinite wisdom.
I still will not be casting a vote for you, but I do now choose to remove my antagonistic attitude and instead desire for you to find the sweet joy in God's great favor.
David Porter
PS I sure hope that I can learn to keep my foot out of my mouth. It sure tastes ucky!
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