This is the 5th post in my study of Jonathan Edwards famous text Religious Affections. I have also created a landing page to hold all of the posts in this study for you here.
In this famous treatise, Jonathan Edwards explores in great detail the nature of true religion. In other words, how can we know for certain that we have those things which entitle us to eternal life with Christ.
In addition, how can we discern true religion in those who claim to have true religion, knowing that the Scriptures teach that many will proclaim to have true religion, but are in fact, false teachers.
If you ruminate on these two questions, for any length of time, you must certainly understand how difficult these questions can be, and also how divisive they could also be.
So far, in this detailed exploration, Edwards has stated that the answer lies in the affections, and specifically, the religious affections.
In his first "part" of the text (I have written three posts on this section), Edwards defines for us "religious affections" and further lays out 10 reasons why he believes that true religion lies in these religious affections.
We now turn our attention to his second part, where Edwards will, in 12 examples, lay out for us signs of nothing. In other words, these 12 things do not serve to demonstrate, or discredit true religion. These 12 things, put forth by some, to prove true religion, prove in fact, nothing!
This should prove to be interesting....please read on...
Following is the list of the 12 things which Jonathan Edwards claims will neither prove or disprove true religion. Many people, however, as he points out, claim many of these things to be proof of true religion.
Edwards replies by saying that these 12 are signs of nothing (As he calls it, "No sign one way or the other"):
- (1) - It is a sign of nothing: that affections are very great, or raised very high.
- On one hand it is clear that a very high view of God is likely to produce a very high affection. In addition, the Bible is full of references to very high affections (joy unspeakable). On the other hand, the Scriptures are also full of references to tremendous affection (Israel after deliverance through the Red Sea) only to be wrought with later unbelief (worshiping the golden calf).
- (2) - It is a sign of nothing: that affections have great affects on the body
- Think Super Bowl! Affections for football teams create great physical affects: cheering, jumping up and down, clapping, screaming, etc. It is certainly possible that great religious affections can also affect the body. The apostle John, in Revelation, fell at the Saviour's feet as though dead! His affection greatly affected his body. However, certainly we can all agree that these bodily actions are not proof. A demented mass murderer might also have great physical affection in the slaughter of the innocent. Therefore, physical affections prove nothing toward true religion.
- (3) - It is a sign of nothing: that affections cause someone to be fluent, fervent, and abundant in talking of the things of religion
- On one hand, someone could be very fluent in the Scriptures and be an ostentatious hypocrite, or on the other hand, they could be speaking as though they have knowledge, when yet they are very ignorant and imprudently forward. Therefore, having the right "bible speak" proves nothing toward true religion.
- (4) - It is a sign of nothing: that affections produce unaccounted for excitements
- Some people, upon regeneration, appear to have been instantly bequeathed with a most beautiful spirit, yet some, under the same circumstances, prefer to co-operate with God's Holy Spirit in a very quiet, silent and secret way. Excitement provides no clear path to true religion.
- (5) - It is a sign of nothing: that texts of Scripture seem to be remarkably brought to mind
- It is possible that some might believe that such a person has the consistent and remarkable ability to recall Scripture, and therefore hold themselves to be of true religion. However, isn't it certainly possible that Satan himself can bring Scripture to mind? Certainly he knows that Scriptures as well. Profundity, with regard to the Scriptures, is not a reliable sign of true religion.
- (6) - It is a sign of nothing: that there exists an appearance of love in a person
- While Christ instructs us that love is the greatest commandment and virtue, we must be careful. The more precious a thing is, the more likely it is to be counterfeited. Gold is the most precious metal, and yet it is frequently counterfeited. Tin, on the other hand, not precious at all, it not likely to be counterfeited. Thus love has the greatest likelihood of forgery and cannot be relied upon to demonstrate true religion.
- (7) - It is a sign of nothing: that someone might have a wide variety of affections
- I have heard it said that a great number of the people headed towards hell are today siting in America's churches. It is possible to have all the outward appearances of the religious affections, yet not to have been born again. Christ tells us this in the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. Therefore, the outward appearance and possession of a great many affections is no reliable sign of true faith.
- (8) - It is a sign of nothing: to witness the path from conviction (condemnation) to justification (Christ's forgiveness and right legal standing before God)
- I know of a person who has a habitual problem with using the services of prostitutes. Numerous times in his life he has gotten caught, and there appears to have been a turn around in his life, only to find out later that he is right back to his old behaviors. The display of grief that I witnessed was not that of conviction, but merely feeling sorry for having been caught. There is, and was no conviction and/or transformation. His lips, in the moment, were saying one thing, but his actions, once out of sight, were quite another. Therefore, witnessing the tears of the "convicted" and their subsequent "comfort and joys" can be very deceiving. Therefore this is no true sign of faith.
- (9) - It is a sign of nothing: that someone spends a considerable amount of time in religious activities
- The world is full of people that believe that their "works" will get them into heaven. The Bible is clear, salvation is from grace. Therefore, because someone has the appearance of laboring for Christ, they may in fact be laboring to a false god of works. Religious activity, therefore, is no reliable sign of true faith.
- (10) - It is a sign of nothing: that someone, seemingly is in continual praise of God
- We have all seen them. Every word out of a particular persons mouth is "praise God" and for some reason, your skin seems to crawl. Certainly praising God is a marvelous and desirable duty. But clearly, sometimes, it is very insincere and simply a saying of the mouth and not the heart. All we have to do is look to Christ and his reception at Palm Sunday. All were praising him, and the very next day, most were crying, "crucify him"!
- (11) - It is a sign of nothing: that someone professes their life to be continually in the will of God and that they are in "good estate".
- Certainly God has designed that we have hope in our inheritance and strive to have great faith. Some however, claim to have great faith having never cracked the word of God in their lives. God instructs us to be certain of our election. To do otherwise is foolishness and certainly can not be construed as a path of true faith.
- (12) - It is a sign of nothing: that you believe a certain person to be born again.
- Satan's most capable weapons are confusion and deceit. It is not for us to judge in this area. We are to make certain that we have our names in the Book of Life and implore others to seek the same in earnest. We, however, can not see into men's hearts. Therefore, make no such assumptions about anyones true faith but, altogether, with fear and trembling, seek to find God's holy favor and regeneration. You can only know, for certain, of your own heart.
Phew! Goodness Jonathan Edwards....that was a mouthful!
It served me well, however, to work my way through this list with Jonathan Edwards as my guide. Although he can be very verbose, I think these words were certainly words that needed saying.
I am very much looking forward to the meat of the text in the next reading. Now we will turn our attentions to what Jonathan Edwards says IS the sign of true religious affections.
Can't wait!
Did you learn anything from reading this list?