Monsoonal lightening bolt from fellow Flickr member, azglenn.
I was laying in bed last night, I was actually asleep, when all of a sudden, around 11:00, a sudden blast of a monsoon's fury nearly put me on the ceiling, like the cats in the cartoons of old!
Get the picture!
This thing was extreme! I wasn't prepared, and there was nothing I could do about it.
Generally speaking, if the news mentions that we should expect a monsoon, we will go outside and baton the hatches, if you will. We bring in all the exterior pillows, take the shades off of the external lamps, and generally remove anything that might be subject to the wind.
Well, just prior to bedtime, I was watching Fox New's coverage, on John McCain's choice of Gov. Palin, and didn't catch the weather report.
Realizing that I wasn't prepared, I jumped out of bed and went to the window to see what was happening. I have yet to see such wind, here in Arizona. Monsoons are different from the Michigan thunderstorms that I am accustom to, in that they feature profuse lightening and sustained winds like you would expect from a Hurricane.
As I inspected my patio, from the bedroom window, I realized that is was entirely unsafe to go outside to gather our stuff. The lightening was blasting all around, and the winds were intense. I had no desire to go outside and find myself with a cactus stuck to the side of my head!
The other exciting feature of a monsoon is intense, and I mean intense rain. Occasionally, in Michigan, we would get a thunderstorm that was so intense you would have to pull over your car because you can no longer see. Well....this is like that....but for prolonged periods of time.
For 30 minutes we had intense wind, intense thunder, intense lightening, and intense rain!
There was no way I was going to go outside. Our stuff would just have to ride it out.
After the storm subsided, I peered out and saw that the sky had drained all of its energy, and decided that my patio would have to wait until morning so I could clearly see.
In the morning, I found the monsoon's calling card: broken pots, soaked pillows strewn all over the backyard, our favorite cactus completely uprooted from its large pot and cast about, twigs and debris everywhere, ruts carved in the sandy soil from rushing waters, debris floating in the pool, and the whole landscape looking like it had just received a colossal can of "whoop butt"! :)
I didn't like this helpless feeling. I didn't like not being prepared even more.
As I was cleaning up the debris this morning, my mind wondered to the Book of Revelation. God tells us of a time when, in one fell swoop, 1/3 of the earth's population will be destroyed.
Talk about helpless!
Can I ask you a question? Are you prepared for God's coming storm?
I am certain that this inconsequential monsoon will pale in comparison.
Here is how you can prepare for the coming storm, and secure your place, as a child of God, in Heaven for all of eternity.