Like Father like son. I am NOT suggesting that we come from apes. But I did like this photograph of a son mimicking his father.
This is the seventh post in my study of Sinclair Ferguson's text "Children of the Living God".
In his text, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson now turns his attention to the family traits that are evident in those who have been regenerated and adopted into the family of God.
From Dr. Ferguson:
"According to the New Testament our lifestyle is influenced both by the new life which has been given to us (we have been born of God) and by our adoption into the family of God. We receive new dispositions and enter a new environment. The wonderful thing about the gospel is that these two things are done together. Unlike a human adoption, God is able to give us the disposition of a member of his family. Yet, like natural adoption, we have come from another family, and God needs to keep on saying to us: 'Since you belong to my family now I want to see you behaving like one of my children!' "
In this study, we shall look at the relationship between the new birth and the new life from the apostle John and then look at the relationship between the new Fatherhood and the new lifestyle from the apostle Paul.
Please join me on this interesting discovery...
Life From a New Birth (The Teaching of John)
The apostle John used the term "born of God" frequently to describe the true Christian. According to the apostle John, there are four effects of this new birth:
- A changed relationship to sin
- 1 John 5:18, "We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning..." When we are born into the kingdom of God we are given a new nature. While certainly we do not become perfect, in regards to sin, we do however, if we are truly reborn, move into the direction of perfection. Only at the resurrection do we attain this perfection, but our new nature keeps us moving in the right direction. We have been born out of the sinful world, and away from its evil father Satan, and into the family of God through our Elder Brother Christ who protects, guards, and guides us to the Father.
- A changed relationship to the church
- 1 John 4:20, "If anyone says, 'I love God', and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen." God, through our adoption is building an eternal family. He expects us to love one another. In fact, if we don't, then perhaps we really are not part of that family after all.
- A changed relationship to Christ
- 1 John 5:1, "Everyone who believes that Jesus in the Christ has been born of God...". From Dr. Ferguson: "Regeneration involves the opening of our spiritual eyes to understand the truth of the gospel, and the freeing of our wills to respond to it. In other words, moral transformation and mental transformation (believing in Jesus Christ) go together in regeneration."
- A changed relationship to the world
- 1 John 5:4, "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith." We are no longer "of" this world. Our new spiritual birth brought us into the family of God. We are now sojourners, or resident aliens, in the world awaiting our entrance fully into the family of God. Even though we are not "of" this world anymore, our flesh is still here and we fight against our sinful nature on a daily basis as we strive to be more like Christ.
Life with a new Father (The teaching of Paul)
The apostle Paul's focus was more focused on the Fatherhood of God. His main tenor of thought might be thought of in this way:
- God is your Father, you should live a life that befits his children. This is done in two ways:
- We are to walk in the light (1 Thess: 5:5)
- We are to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1)
- Our relationship to God is fundamental to Christian growth and has a number of very practical implications:
- It produces security. Imagine, God..the visionary of the universe...the almighty your father. If God be for us, who can be against us?
- It produces a sense of direction. Having a deep understanding of our inheritance clearly changes the direction of our lives.
- It produces moral fiber. We can have victory in our lives as we begin to understand our struggle and begin to fight against sin which is diametrically opposed to the Light.
I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that the words of the Bible are the inspired words of God. Ninety percent (90%) of America claim to hold to these same beliefs.
Yet, I feel alone in my journey. It seems to me, perhaps my own delusion, that these things I am learning are not being discussed all around me. Do people really believe?
However, I must admit, I find myself frequently uncertain in all that I am learning. I fear that my friends will think I am nuts and have gone off the deep end. I have clearly found a desire to share what I have learned but unsure how to do so, without being impertinent.
I am further aware that the Deceiver is the root of all of these fears. For too long I have held a childish belief and am convinced that my studies will find a far deeper and more meaningful understanding of my position in Christ.
I simply must choose to believe in God's word or listen to the world's understanding.
I choose God's word, but I must again confess. I feel somewhat alone right now.
Can anyone relate?