Protect my family and me. Forgive my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will."
Evidently, Barack Obama left this note tucked in a small crack in the wailing wall in Jerusalem during his recent trip.
Unsurprisingly some one swiped the note and now here it is for all the world to see. Even on my little blog here in Scottsdale, Arizona!
First of all I pray that this isn't a publicity play but that these contain the true affections of Obama's heart.
It isn't for me to judge and therefore I won't even discuss this matter.
What I would like to say is directly to Barack Obama himself.
If it is possible for Barack's prayer to travel thousands of miles to me in Scottsdale, Arizona, then I believe it is possible for my little message, to Barack, to travel back to him where ever he may be.
Dear Mr. Obama,
If this letter indeed contains the affections of your heart, then I am pleased to see you seeking the heart and wisdom of our most holy God.
God, first and foremost, has called us to have regenerated hearts. Mr. Obama, above all else, make certain that your heart is truly regenerated and that your name is included in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Secondly, God has revealed Himself, according to His Scriptures, through His Creation, His precious Son Jesus Christ, and His holy written word, the Bible.
You seek God's wisdom towards what is right and just. May I suggest, sir, that if this be the true strong and clear affection of your heart, that you purpose yourself to spend time alone with God in His holy Word each day.
Much of what you seek is contained therein and it is the Holy Spirit's ministry to quicken the minds of those who truly and earnestly seek the Father's face.
I have found that the last six months of my life have been changed so completely, and it is therefore my desire, that your prayer be answered as well, in the same glorious manner.
In Christ alone, place your trust. Seek the Father's face and inquire of the Holy Spirit to make known to you the true and narrow path.
Mr. Obama, I pray that these words find their way into your heart. A year from now, regardless of your position upon the world's stage, I pray most of all, that you and I can someday, in the future, praise our glorious holy Father, together in heaven for eternity.
Most sincerely,
David A. Porter
A Boomer in the Pew