I shot this photograph of my wife about a year ago. Isn't she beautiful? Her heart is even more beautiful!
Our lives have gone through tremendous change in the past two years. The most significant of which is my heart, my relationship to myself, and my relationship to God.
My pride, two years ago, was wrapped up in my ability to create wealth. There is nothing wrong with making money, but I was one of those who had built my significance on this. I began to believe that I was "all that" because of my wealth and my ability to create it. I had placed wealth on the throne of my life. I was puffed up with pride.
Today my wife and I were praying together and when we were done she said something like: "You know, when you were leading our company and making all that money, I respected you, but I must tell you, I respect you more today. I see that your heart has completely changed and it is beautiful. You are my hero!" After which she planted a nice big kiss on my face.
I am still crying with joy. Why the tears? I really have changed...and it was noticed by the most important person to me in the world. And...she called me her hero...and meant it!
Thank you God! Thank you Carol!