I mentioned last week that I was going to join a Sunday school class, taught by Dr. Wayne Grudem, on Systematic Theology.
Last Sunday was our first visit and we enjoyed the class immensely. There seemed to be several hundred people in the class and they seem to be very much a family. This class has frequent social gatherings and even has its own website.
Wayne (he doesn't like to be called Dr. Grudem outside of Phoenix Seminary) just finished the two part session on Perseverance of the Saints. However, as I mentioned, I am going to go back and start at the beginning of this particular section called, "The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption" and hopefully catch up to the class somewhere down the road in this blog.
I can already see that this is going to be a monumental task, on my part, to keep the ideas and doctrines in bite size pieces. Hopefully I can resist the temptation to write books in these posts.
Although this blog is new and doesn't have a large audience I hope that my notes and learning will be a blessing to you all out there in the world. I am amazed to see people from all over the world finding their way to my endeavor.
Most of all, I pray that God will teach me His ways and that my family and friends will find their way to a deeper relationship with God as I begin my journey to a deeper and richer relationship with Abba.