The weekend is here and now it perhaps allows a little time for personal reading.
Here are a few things that I found during the week that you might enjoy:
The Land of Disappearing Children - Japan's Population Crisis
Albert Mohler shares that the number of children in Japan has been shrinking for 27 years making Japan the lowest major nation in the world in regards to the proportion of children to adults. This can spell incredible trouble to a nation.
Sunday School Wisdom
Ben Witherington received an e-mail this week from his mother with wonderfully funny jokes from children in Sunday School Class.
A look at the Two Christian Faiths in our Public Square: Christianity and Jesusanity
Professor Darrel Bock discusses the Dethroning of Jesus.
Tim Challies sharing his thoughts on Total Depravity.
Our culture hates the idea of sin and that we as individuals might be sinners. But what does God say in the Bible on the subject?
Jen is a home schooler in Oregon and shares with us her lesson on A Strawberry Tea Party. I enjoy Jen's blog a great deal and she is without question this blogs most frequent commenter.
The Truth about Homosexuality
In our "politically correct" society this subject is often taboo. However John MacArthur and several professors at The Master's Seminary seek to give God's perspective on this issue. There are fives audio lectures. So far I have only listened to Dr. MacArthurs. He was sensitive and very direct on the issue. Give it a listen.