This has been a great week of learning for me. I have been tackling, all week, the doctrine of election and finally feel like I have an understanding that will allow me to move forward in my series on Systematic Theology. I will be writing my last post on election next week.
I thought I would also pause a bit to reflect on where this blog has journeyed thus far. My objectives for this blog are:
1.) To journal my thoughts and findings in my faith journey.
2.) To leave these, as a legacy, for my sons, family and friends.
3.) To welcome the world at large into the conversation.
I have noticed a few trends in this blog that are significantly different from my other blog adventures:
1.) My audience is truly world-wide. This is amazing when you think about it. Just an hour ago someone from Nairobi, 9422 miles away, was in my blog reading about finding the will of God. That is mind blowing to me.
2.) People are staying and reading what I have to say and searching through my articles. Sure, I gathered lots of traffic with other ventures, but people didn't hang around long. Here they are staying and reading about my journey. A great privilege to me.
For this weekend's reading I thought I would share with you my top three posts (defined by your readership) as well as a few other interesting posts I found this week:
- My #1 read article - My record of the series done by Jamie Rasmussen (Scottsdale Bible Church) on the book of Esther.
- My #2 read article - My understanding of the lessons learned on "Understanding God's Will" from my Class 100 at Scottsdale Bible Church.
- My #3 read article - Once again from my Class 100, "Learning to become a Disciple of Jesus Christ". This was a two part post which you can find here and here.
- Great intellect can be a real stumbling block in understanding the things of God. Albert Mohler has some interesting thoughts on, "Albert Einstein's God - The "Product of Human Weakness".
- This week the California Supreme Court ruled that "same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry". This has become a difficult issue for our country. Dr. John MacArthur shares some direct and caring thoughts on the subject with, "God's Plan for the Gay Agenda".
Well, that is enough for now. Thank you very much for your kind readership and I will see you next week.