As I mentioned in a previous post, my wife and I just completed the Series 100,200, and 300 class at Scottsdale Bible Church and have become members of the church.
Having devoured that material and still ravenous for theological and doctrinal meat it appears that I have hit the mother load in that respect.
Dr. Wayne Grudem is teaching Systematic Theology in a Sunday school class! Yabba-Dabba-Dooo!
Here are a few links to acquaint you with Dr. Grudem if you are not familiar with him:
- Phoenix Seminary Page
- Dr. Grudem's biographical page, resume and papers/articles.
- Wikipedia article on Dr. Grudem
- Tim Challies interview with Dr. Grudem
- Adrian Warnock interview with Wayne Grudem
He started his journey through his text book on Systematic Theology way back in September of 2005. I plan to catch up, but for the purposes of this blog I am going to start at the Doctrine of Election and Reprobation. This doctrine is the beginning of a 10 part series on Salvation. As I mentioned, he has already started this series but I will catch us up and then join his Sunday school class to join in the teaching and conversation in two weeks.
This should prove to be a feast of theological meat!