My wife and I just today completed the Series 100 - 300 classes at Scottsdale Bible Church and have become members of the church.
For a lot of reasons, that I won't share here, I have never committed to a church before. But as I have shared, in previous posts, I am ready to begin a new journey in my life and I want that journey to be about the things in life that really matter. For me, those things are the things of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I am one committed and fired up dude about my new journey. Impatient...but fired up!
One of the things that I have really come to appreciate about Scottsdale Bible Church is the expository preaching style. I have always been around topical style preaching and I am finding that I am being feed a full portion of meat with the expository style.
Our first exposure to this style of preaching was with Darryl DelHousaye, (a student of John MacArther) who was the senior paster at Scottsdale Bible Church, but has left to put his full time efforts into the Phoenix Seminary as its president. We are now enjoying the expository preaching of Jamie Rasmussen, our new senior pastor.
As I began to explore other expositors of the Gospel I came across John MacArthur, John Piper, Wayne Grudem (who also attends SBC) as well as a number of respected bloggers such as Tim Challies. One of the things I noticed is that they all appear to be Calvinists.
Hmmm...I have always struggled with the whole predestination idea. Could it be that I have missed something somewhere? Why am I surround by Calvinists?
The Scottsdale Bible Church's Statement of Faith even had many of the proponents of Reformed thinking in it.
I just listened to a recent sermon by John MacArthur on the subject of Total Depravity/Doctrine of Absolute Inability. My head still hurts from that one. I intend to come back at it again and see if it takes root.
Well...the next year in the life of David & Carol Porter is going to be interesting. I am confident that something exciting is nearby and we can't wait!