Scottsdale, Arizona - Palm Sunday is coming tomorrow and as I began to think about it, I realized that I really didn't understand what all the fuss was about.
I knew that there were palm branches, hosannas, and Jesus riding on a donkey.
Here is what I didn't know:
- Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead and there were HUGE crowds following him around and to greet him in Jerusalem.
- It was Passover and Jerusalem was full of perhaps a million people for this sacred day.
- Jesus created a lot of "buzz" in this crowd. So much that the religious leaders were very worried about his influence on the large crowd.
- The large crowd heard that Jesus was coming and greeted him with palm branches saying, "Hosanna, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord."
- The Jews were tired of being subjects of the Roman Empire and thought that Jesus was finally going to pronounce himself as king and crush their adversaries.
- Instead of riding in on a large white horse, or a donkey, Jesus rides into town on the colt of a donkey! His feet were probably dragging on the ground!
- People did not understand.
- Their expectations were not met and many of these same people, in five short days, would be crying, "crucify Him!"
The photograph above shows palm branches, but there is also a cross laying in them. On Friday, Jesus will be crucified fulfilling His purpose on the cross.
So...on Palm Sunday I will be remembering the fact that Jesus did not come to meet my human expectations. I will also be remembering that I just don't understand all that goes on around me. Now two thousand years later, I understand that Friday is coming. I also understand that Easter is coming as well.
Therefore, I will come to Palm Sunday with a contrite heart, seeking forgiveness for my nagging bouts of behavior that border on distrust, acknowledging that He, the Creator of the universe, is indeed my God and thanking Him for what He is about to do on Friday.
Here is an inspired recording of Darryl DelHousaye, Pastor Emeritus of Scottsdale Bible Church, where I learned these things.